And he causes all, both small and great, and rich and poor, and free and slave, to be given A MARK upon their right hand or upon their foreheads, and that no one should be able to buy or sell except he that has THE MARK or THE NAME OF THE BEAST, or THE NUMBER OF HIS NAME. Here is the wisdom! He who has understanding, let him CALCULATE THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST, for it is THE NUMBER OF A MAN, and his number is SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SIX.
Chazun (Revelation) 13:16-18
The word for MARK -
G5480 Charagma - a STAMP, an IMPRINTED MARK, a mark on the forehead or right head as a badge of the follower of the Unrighteous one, branded mark on a horse, carving, sculpture, graven image, a scratch or etching, a mark of servitude.
When yuh read the Greek definition of the mark - the more I'm convinced that this Q.R code is the patterning this stamp/mark will look like. My reasoning it's the most prominent stamp develop in the digital era. It's everywhere and it’s the image of choice especially for the Cov pass, identification ID's and almost all products today have it where you can scan and get the info on the product.
But the MARK in Revelation is interesting cuz it's 3 unique things or components -
Next verse says let him CALCULATE the number of the beast for it's a number of a man? 🤔 it six hundred and sixty-six?
G5585 Psēphizō – to count with pebbles, to COMPUTE, CALCULATE, reckon, to give one's vote by casting a pebble into the urn, to decide by voting.
There was a course I use to do in school - Calculus where we calculate whole numbers or decimals and convert them into binary or computing language (binary or base 10 calculation). It had a demonstration in class where the lecturer showed – an abacus (an ancient calculator used by Chinese, Greeks, Romans, etc.) where they can breakdown large numbers into 1 and 0 values.
666 in binary or base 10 is 1010011010. [That's the calculation of the number. 1s and 0s are standard coding in the digital world - everything is identified that way].
I saw a short video on Tik Tok about our DNA revealing the Creator’s name. That blow my mind, especially, when yuh calculate the Creator's name.
Y H U H when yuh bring it down into the Hebrew numbers
Y = 10
H = 5
U = 6
H = 5
Add all the numbers yuh will get 26. Calculate or compute the number 26 into binary or base 10, it’s 11010. So, wait, half of the "666 coding" already exist, it’s our DNA.
What exactly is the 10100 aspect of the coding? Converting 10100 back to a number it’s 20. 20 in the periodic table is Calcium. 26 in the periodic table is Iron.
Family, what you all think?
Our DNA reveals the name of the Creator -