4 yrs - Translate

SHALOM EVERYONE... I pray you all are well. Today I just want to give a quick update, and welcome those of you that have recently joined this platform.

The purpose of the HebrewConnect platform is to have a safe space for us as Messianic Hebrew Israelites to come together, connect, fellowship, collaborate and unify.

A place removed from the trash you must filter through on FB, INSTAGRAM, and even YouTube. We aren’t here for the standard strife and debates many engage in for views. We aren’t here to prove who we are here... this is a space for Israel!

We aren’t about being black, hood, street or propping up “Black Culture”... So please don’t allow others to attempt to bring that into this space. We are here to walk out our Hebrew heritage and Torah as best we can.

We will not always agree on everything posted or shared. You have creative freedom to create a righteous space for yourself in Torah. Whether groups, pages and business pages. That said, this is a platform dedicated to Almighty Yah, so please create accordingly.

My commitment to you as founder and owner, is to ensure the platform functions as designed, stays online, incorporates the latest technological features to keep us competitive with other social networks and connects us as a Hebrew Nation.

While you all will have unprecedented freedom on this platform compared to others, I will not allow overt abuse, bullying or the establishment of a toxic environment. I want each and everyone of you to have the freedom to develop this space into a healthy platform for yourselves, your assemblies, your ministries and businesses.

What I ask of you all, is for your continued support to bring awareness to other Hebrews about our HebrewConnect.com and HebrewConnect.tv platforms. I greatly appreciate all of you that support this effort, and have notified your friends, assemblies, ministries and social networks!

Your brother, Duane Harris
#hebrewconnect #hebrewconnecttv
