Go back to to doing things in person,
Forget mainstream media it is a propaganda machine, Tech too complicit
Algorithms for anything can change the TECH have the source codes
Notice when you talk on you phone, the ads appear on FB, TV, online etc instantly or later on
Forget smartphone
Forget Smart Cities when they lock you down in them and you cant get food, medicine, etc see DC Trump supporters locked in Hotel, people locked in under coronavirus and forced quarantines is a preview test run. Agenda 21 is here . This is 2021
DIgital imminization passport
Electric cars remember the other day with the fires in California electricity was off, lines to charge cars they could not flee, elderly on oxygen tanks died no electricity
Pakistan had total black out in entire country 2/9/2021
Back to Basics
Forget Cloud computing storage controlled by Tech Tyrants
If they can delete, block, sabotage the President of the USA Donald Trump like we are witnessing they can do it to ANYBODY
We told you they were censoring the TRUTH long ago before it came to this
SMart Houses smart cars and cities forget those
SMART Watches, smart anything forget those
NANO whatever forget those
ALGORITHM whatever forget those
Cottage industries are BACK
There was a reason they wanted to patent JEHOVAH's seeds who controls the food, controls the people
THEY WILL NOT STOP their attack on mankind
Church Christendom wake up, I have been warning the church since 2013
When you see technology and Nazis turn against you, it is happening now
Did you know whatsapp tapes conversations if you wan to use it
Do you know who owns Whatsapp, many tech companies?
Synagogues of Satan, Luciferians, Tabernacles of Edom ETC
Go back to BIBLE set up your countries based on Bible laws
Come out from among them and be ye separate
Use letters, notes, walkie talkie, basic cellular phone
Buy a stand alone GPS made by Christian USA Company if any such exist do not use Phone GPS it is controlled by Apple, Google, ETC
Print out the directions on PAPER too before you go in case they block the signals like Apple Maps did not work going to DC they can turn technology on and off at will
The CELL PHONES were blocked going to DC
The Trump supporters were BLOCKED from boarding flights
Satanists do not care about laws of the country, or Jehovah given rights, the constitution, or any such laws, watch their deeds how quickly they stretch existing laws, make new ones, to achieve their goals
Do not have homes with addresses anymore , pilgrim life is back in style
Home based Bible school based curriculum is back
Arming and training to defend your Jehovah given rights is back
Everyone history books are important; Everyone must read the P ro to c o l s of the L e a r n ed E l d ers of Z i on and go to http:// H i t l er dvd.com for many primary sources
Many of H i t l e r's descendants came to the Americas
Children of Israel are not to be charged usury but they can charge strangers usury. Today USURY is a weapon to steal countries, property, etc by a sect of Luciferians. Usury (compound interest) start do not buy any thing on usury not c re dit card, not houses, cars, etc, See Ezekiel 18, Ezekiel 33
Get real RECEIPTS real bills not EBILLS they disappear when you need to prove anything , keep your RECEIPTS
Support American and Bible based businesses
Never Trust thine enemy for as iron rusteth so is his wickedness