Shalawam Family
My Name is Yahkani my children came home "December" of 2021 from Children Services and since then I haven't been able to work because of my son's behavior. Every daycare I put him into they said he is no longer welcome there because of it.Also I have been getting calls from his school telling be to pick him up because of his behavior and it's a special cool for people with ADHD and autism. During the process of them going into children's services their dad my ex-husband left me and I haven't heard from him in almost 5months. Blessful his school is right behind my apartment.
All this being said I could use help with house hold items cleaning wise, clothes for me and them.
I have started a business but I haven't been getting many customers maybe once a month If that and that money I put to gas and electric bill.

If you may help all is truly appreciated
My Cash App is @Script wear