2 yrs - Translate

Family devotion this morning focussed on 2 Esdras Chapter 5 - 6.
In these passages we see Esdras having a Job like experience, where he asks YAH many 'why' questions over a 3 week period.
Each week he is told to fast as before (eating flowers of the field)

The devotional reminded me that we are ALL being tested to determine worthiness for the kingdom to come.
That's a scary thought especially when we consider that the 'righteous' scarcely make it in!

Today is day 3 of my fast, and it should be the final day, however as I reflect on how I've been praying, I realise I didn't receive that Esdras or Job experience, and it leaves me pondering.
Yes throughout the week I have faced demons on the job and elsewhere and today I wondered if all these experiences were simply to help me build character.

This walk isn't easy, but the rewards are worth it. The warnings in the scripture are sobering, frightening and keep me up at night.
This experience makes me consider a weekly fast. 🤔