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Shalawam family
It's another Mindful Monday. Today's reading reminds us not to become a doubting Thomas (John 20:24-25) and believe. What is the benefit of believing? Simple, Yahusha ( gentiles known as Jesus) said in John 20:29-"blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed."

Family, we are the chosen generation to witness our deliverance. What is also evident are the other signs that we are witnesses to, including the rising of Israel's dry bones Eze 37, the rift between families Luke 12:53, rebuilding of the 3rd temple & abomination of desolation( Mathew 24:29_39), Deu 28:46 curses, as signs and wonder ( largest prison population is still Israel), and many others.
Can you identify a prophecy that materialized in our generation? Leave your comment.

Sis CeeCee