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It's another Thankful Thursday, family:
The book of Habakkuk 2:4 reminds us "that the just shall live by faith." Regardless of what is visible to our bare eyes, note that the battle was fought and we are simply waiting to be regathered, for the saint's Rev 15:12-Cepher- "here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of Yahuah, and the faith of Yahusha." These times require faith as strong as Abraham's. James 2:22 reminds us was not by his works that faith made perf.ct?

Stay the course, family. I heard one of the brothers say we are called to walk uprightly because the way is narrow with no turns. It can't get more straightforward than that. Can you imagine if the instructions were to: Make two lefts, go down the hill, make a right, and a right, then a left, jump the river, swim the ocean, then make 8 lefts and 2 rights? We worship a God of order and not confusion. APTTMH


Sis CeeCee