He answered me and said: Listen to me, Ezra, and I will instruct you, and will admonish you yet again. For this reason El Elyon has made not one world but two. For whereas you have said that the righteous are not many but few, while the wicked abound, hear the explanation for this. If you have just a few precious stones, will you add to them lead and clay? I said: Yahuah, how could that be? And he said to me: Not only that but ask the earth and she will tell you; defer to her, and she will declare it to you. Say to her: You produce gold and silver and brass, and also iron and lead and clay; but silver is more abundant than gold, and brass than silver, and iron than brass, and lead than iron, and clay than lead. Judge therefore which things are precious and desirable, those that are abundant or those that are rare? I said: O Yahuah Tseva’oth, what is plentiful is of less worth, for what is more rare is more precious. He answered me and said: Weigh within yourself what you have thought, for he who has what is hard to get rejoices more than he who has what is plentiful. So also will be the judgment which I have promised; for I will rejoice over the few who shall be saved, because it is they who have made my glory to prevail now, and through them my name has now been honored. EZRA REVIY`IY (4 EZRA) 7:49-60 אΧͺ CEPHER
