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The Holy Spirit teaches us all things. Don't believe man but listen to your conscious/mind/ the Most Holy Place which is where the Creator sits if you let HIM. Remember family The Creator/ SOURCE/LORD,Lord is YAHWEH and YAHWEH is SPIRIT and Yahshua means YAHWEH is Salvation so when Yahshua say he and his FATHER are one, is because the CREATOR literally came in the flesh for us. YAHWEH is what our KJV:King James Version calls YAHWEH LORD/Lord and Elohim is God and Jesus is Yahshua. THey are a Unity not a trinity. The Creator came out of PURE SPIRIT and made HIMSELF ELOHIM which is his WORD or SON and then made himself into a physical ADAM which is YAHShua which is YAHWEH is OUR SALVATION He is 1.