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Shabbat Shalom and Boqer Tob Mishpachah (שבת שולם ובוקר תוב משפחה)

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And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of deliverance. d in that day you shall say, “Praise יהוה, call upon His Name; make known His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His Name is exalted. “Sing to יהוה, For He has done excellently; this is known in all the earth. “Cry aloud and shout, O inhabitant of Tsiyon, for great is the Set-apart One of Yisra’ĕl in your midst!”
Yeshayah (Isaiah) 12:3-6 TS2009

O יהוה, You are my Elohim. I exalt You, I praise Your Name, for You shall do a wonder – counsels of long ago, trustworthiness, truth.
Yeshayah (Isaiah) 25:1 TTS2009

Blessed be the Elohim and Father of our Master יהושע Messiah, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Messiah,
Eph`siyim (Ephesians) 1:3 TS2009

Let us continually lift up The Name of our Living Aluah, for He is great and greatly to be praised! HalleluYah and APTTMHY ❤️