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Dr. Hugo Munsterburg, the former Dean of Psychology at Harvard University, made the statement that there is no such thing as a Subconscious Mind in existence. Here and now I make the unconditional statement that Yahweh IS NOT a Subconscious or Universal Mind. Instead, Yahweh is “ALL IN ALL.” That is to say, Yahweh IS (the eternal three-fold) Universal SPIRIT, possessing the power of transmutation in His two manifestations, Incorporeal and Physical. But in the absence of a clear, understandable definition and explanation of what SPIRIT REALLY IS, and how it operates, we are still compelled to remain in ignorance or jeopardy. In the pure literal sense of the word, SPIRIT IS ABSTRACT. But in the true divine, etymological, concrete sense SPIRIT is the “ALL IN ALL” or the “Terminus Ad Quem” of whom a direct and profound knowledge is not claimed. The expression, Terminus Ad Quem, refers to Yahweh in His Abstract State or without form, being the “limit and bounds” of every conceivable and inconceivable idea of Source and Substance, Wisdom and Intelligence, Knowledge and Power, Law and Justice, Love and Mercy, Beauty and Glory