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There is something strange going on..I been feeling so lonely lately. I see other Hebrews saying the same thing on other platforms. A few saying they feel depressed or in a weird state. Prayers up for Israel to endure. I've begun to hate technology and my spirit aches for real-life. I'm a social person and I love being free in the world. I like to play and do stuff fun (righteous ofc). I never had a close YAHly friendship irl. Seems like no one wants to meet up...or then it's my end that makes it hard...parents holding me down..can't be free like I want...pressure from family members asking about me at my old church. I know we are isolated and separated for a reason. My heart goes out to the elders in Israel and widows..those that aren't young like me. Those that need to hear voices during the week, social interaction is so important for human beings. We feel, we move, we breathe, we speak, we express, we communicate. If animals need each other, then how much so does YAHs creation (us) need it? I do see this world slowly shifting to meta and its tough. However, I see the good in tech and how it is spreading YAHs word like a wildfire. I just have it on my spirit to pray for loneliness in the walk...fewer assemblies gathering on sabbath...wheats and tares are really being divided by YAHs hands...because you can't watch everyone 😅..RUACHs discernment is strong! However, just casual bible studies or time to worship with one another..I don't see that no more. Why can't a simple worship video get likes or views, but anything that is 'juicy' in topic does. People in general seek for knowledge more, but I believe sometimes resting in YAH..and having that casual family gathering is needed. Just hearing one another breathe YAHs air is enough. Many Hebrews including myself don't really have family to go to. We are set apart, the only one believing in YAHUSHA. So yeah I will stop right there. Prayers for patience, endurance, spirit of faith, and joy to be restored in His people. I believe we are in spiritual wilderness and it's taking a long time. We are doing great though. Keep your head up. I appreciate you reading, feel free to comment. Much love 💛