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Rapture or spaceships or chariots? The Christian churches are looking for a rapture which we know is another false doctrine spun by the Catholic Church. Now the governments and the media are finally confessing that there are “spaceships,” after many years of debunking sightings and so-called abductions. These people were labelled ‘tin foiled hats,’ as they,the governments and their agencies, were not ready to reveal their Nephilim experiments. Yes, spaceships are Nephilim technology given to their earthly agents to explain the next coming phenomenon, the chariots of Yasharaal. Satan and his minions know that HaMashayach is due to regather His Chosen remnant soon, so these wicked leaders must have an explanation when Matthew 24:29-31 occurs. Think about how they are recently planting the ideas that now there are aliens and there are spaceships, they are getting ready to debunk our leaving this earth by chariots, calling them spaceships; and they will go one step further to say that these negroes were the wicked ones that had to go, just like this movie called Space Traders. Folks, the platform is being set, the devils and their earthly agents are getting ready, the real question is, are you getting ready?