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I found some great wisdom nuggets here. The last minute wrap up is especially golden. I love the model. A place to call in and get sensible field advice. I give kudos to these men for being able to pull out meaning from their callers' words. Reading between the lines of what was unsaid to help uncover emotions and even provide empathetic responses and reassurance at times. Is this a model that we can copy in Zion? Can we develop a place where younger folk (young in age and or experience) can call in and get wisdom from the elders?

The Ramsey Show - Higher Pay Doesn't Always Require A Degree (Hour 1)

Ken Coleman & John Delony answer your questions and discuss:  "Should I go to college for business if I already have a business?" How you don't always need a degree to have a high-paying job, from the blog: 25 High-Paying Jobs Th