Tonight was was amazing! Last night was the 2nd gathering of the Weeping Women of Yahudah and Yahshar'al prayer meeting. Everyone was open and transparent with one another. No one was esteemed over the other. We all were sisters loving on one another. Giving glory to the most high and making our petition Known before the most high. We confessed, repainted, read scripture; I even sang, I wqs so happy, my baby girl, my biological younger sister joined and blessed us with what the most high place in her heart. Sistet Malan Irizarry aka AdarahYah, Achuty AniYah Yisrael, Achuty OmiYah Yachiydah, Achuty Julie E. Gordon and DaniellYeshi, my bany sister and I were so blessed to have come togethet on one accord. Looking forward to the next Prayer meeting. We will be coming together every other Wednesday at 9pm eastern standard time, to adjust eachother's crowns, wash eachother's feet, and lift up the name of the Mosthigh, and magnify the son. The group calls are dome on whatsapp for now., or at least untill we transition to video meeting All sisters are welcome. If you cant reach me and you have achuty AdarahYah's contact info please reach out and let her know you are interested in joining the next prayer meeting. May we come togehter long as Yah ordains it to lift up prayers for our men, (husbands, brothers, uncles, sons, and nephers) our leaders, our children, and ourselves. May Yah receive the glory in everything we do according to His will.