If we can't reach our youth no one can. Family, we gotta start somewhere ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

I bless Yah that aside from Duane Harris taking time to speak to my about some upcoming projects, Yah has placed amazing Achiym (brothers) in my life that have stepped up to the plate and are standing in the gap where a father should be for my 14 years old son. As Elder brothers they will be training him up as the young King YaHaUaH has called Him to be. Achiym Jason Camphor and my dear brother YebariYahu (Vincemt Rollins on YouTube) have mutually agreed to start a big Achy movement with my youn King that will prayerfully impact the lives of other young Hebrew Kings. This is going to be a Torah centered outreach movement for melenated young men in need of positive Ibrite (Hebrew) brothers in their lives. They aim to provide the necessary tools needed to help their younger brothers navigate through life while renaining on the straight and narrow path with the help and wisdom provided by the spirit of our AllahYah YaHaUaH

Aside from studying the scriptures, they will be taught survival skills like fishing, canping, how to start a fire, pitch a tent, ect...They will also learn positive communication for socialization and future employment, entrepreneurship, true brotherhood, and even how to facilitate positive communication with their Ibrite ( hebrew) sisters.
This Brother's Keeper initiative initiative is also dedicated to helping the participants discover their Yah given gufts and talents.

Fanily, we have to focus on raising our youths up before this world beats then down. Its time to put our faith in action as we prepare to physically leave babylon we have to mentality prepare our youn men for what lies ahead. They are literally our future.
