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THE cepher of the revolutions of the luminaries of heaven, according to their respective classes, their respective powers, their respective periods, their respective names, the places where they commence their progress, and their respective months, which Uriy'el, the holy angel who was with me, explained to me; he who conducted them. The whole account of them, according to every year of the world forever, until a new work shall be effected, which will be eternal. This is the first law of the luminaries. The sun and the light arrive at the gates of heaven, which are on the east, and on the west of it at the western gates of heaven. I beheld the gates whence the sun goes forth; and the gates where the sun sets; In which gates also the moon rises and sets; and the conductors of the stars, among those who precede them; six at the rising, and six at the setting of the sun. All these respectively, one after another, are on a level; and numerous windows are on the right and on the left sides of those gates. First proceeds forth that great luminary, which is called the sun; the orb of which is as the orb of heaven, the whole of it being replete with splendid and flaming fire. CHANOK (ENOCH) 72:1-6 את CEPHER
