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 May peace, love, and light envelop your lives.

 I trust this post finds you in good Faith and spirit. My family and I are currently facing a series of challenges that have placed us in a difficult and uncertain situation. With humility, we are reaching out , seeking possible support during these trying times. 
 Recently, we encountered a significant setback with our car, and then it was stolen, it is currently under investigation. However in the meantime that leaves us without reliable Transportation.
However While we hold onto hope for a positive resolution, the loss of our vehicle has brought about numerous hardships. It served not only as our means of transportation but also essential for doing odd jobs to make ends meet.

 The absence of our car and the accompanying uncertainty have plunged us into financial distress and financial strain has become overwhelming. Meeting our basic needs, including rent, groceries, and utilities, has grown increasingly challenging. In this time of great need, we turn to our community for support. We understand that times are challenging for many, but any assistance, no matter how small would be of great help. Your generosity would be deeply appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read our message and for considering our request. My family and I  kindly ask that you keep us in your prayers as we navigate these trying times. With heartfelt gratitude, Sistah Yapah

You can reach us at daughteroftmh@icloud.com or 901-674-8752
MY Cash App is $POGCE. 
If you could assist us in obtaining some food, and hygiene necessities it would be most helpful thank you in faith 🙏🏿

I pray everyone is able to get rest and restore themselves this Shabbat. ❤️