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Shabbat Shalom and Boqer Tob Mishpachah (שבת שולם ובוקר תוב משפחה)

Enjoy the song:

‭‭Shemoth (Exodus)‬ ‭33:19‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[19] And He said, “I shall cause all My goodness to pass before you, and I shall proclaim the Name of יהוה before you. And I shall favour him whom I favour, and shall have compassion on him whom I have compassion.”

‭Shemoth (Exodus)‬ ‭34:5‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[5] And יהוה came down in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the Name, יהוה.

‭‭Deḇarim (Deuteronomy)‬ ‭32:3‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[3] “For I proclaim the Name of יהוה, Ascribe greatness to our Elohim.

‭‭Iḇ`rim (Hebrews)‬ ‭2:12‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[12] saying, “I shall announce Your Name to My brothers, in the midst of the congregation I shall sing praise to You.”

Let us continually praise His Shem Qodesh!! For He is Worthy!! HalleluYah and APTTMHY!!! 🤎 🤎 🤎 🤎