Shalom Mishpachah! Since everyone is concerned about the coming widespread famine I wanted to share a way to get around it until our circumstances change (when we all leave this continent/hemisphere). Intermittent fasting. This method along with simply fasting and praying is the best way to train your body to do without all of the poison our captors have been feeding us. If you have underlying conditions like Type 2 Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, or even Hypothyroid this should improve your health exponentially. I done this method for the past 30 days and it worked and is still working. Along with this type of fasting I also eat G-BOMBS which helps to lower carbohydrate intake. Lowering your carbohydrate intake is the first step to better health. Once you start a G-BOMBS lifestyle of eating (G-BOMBS are Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries, Seeds) your body and your mind will NOT miss your old eating habits. This lifestyle will give you all of your nutrition to help fight off illnesses (viruses, colds, etc.), improve your ability to breathe, walk/move, sleep, think/discern, your mood, so on and so forth. And your heart and soul will say Todah rabah. Intermittent fasting helps to cleanse the body of toxins difficult to remove when you're constantly eating. Another thing to try is Alkaline Purified water. This brought my lipid panel levels back to normal and it is bringing my Creatinine back to normal. If you couple all of this with 8 to 15 minutes of exercise everyday (of course I don't exercise at all on Shabbat) you will see and feel a change in your body happening in a week or two. I call this 'playing the long game while in our captors' land) since we all need to endure until the end. Honestly, if you try living the intermittent fasting lifestyle with G-BOMBS you will have nothing to lose (except excess weight) and gain everything that is for your good. I'm putting the rest of my testimony on my blog along with some recipes for anyone who wants to get started in changing their lifestyle, instead of dieting.๐๐พ
Dauid Ben Yahuda
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