I am not much of a poet, but these words are from my heart.

A Poem to my People
How many times can one heart break?
How much pain can one people take?
Always healing but yet to be healed
When will the healing be complete?
when will we know victory and not only defeat?
When will we truly give Abba our hearts?
Cause that is when the true healing starts.
Beauty for ashes is a biblical promise.
So sing a new song and shout all about it.
Say VICTORY IS MINE and don't ever doubt it
I know I know it's easier to complain when all you know is set back, disappointment, and shame
it's hard to proclaim we're the ones called by His name
But take heart cause once again we will be the head and never again the tail
So stand tall, my people with fire in your eyes
knowing our people will live, we shall not die
We got the victory, so say it, Yahshar,'al WE GOT THE VICTORY, so act like it y'all