As believers, it's important to be disciplined in our walk with Yah and not to take His grace for granted. I say this from my own experience, not to judge or condemn anyone. We must remain set apart and strive to move beyond childish ways.

In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Paul speaks of how he put away childish things when he grew up. We too must grow up and let go of the desire to be liked and validated by people. This desire cost Saul the throne and crown. We should love what Yah loves and hate what He hates. As brothers and sisters in Messiah, we should sharpen each other and help each other stay on the straight and narrow path.

We need to study the Word for ourselves and not rely solely on teachers. This will help us gain knowledge and understanding that can only come from the Holy Spirit. We must avoid following leaders who are in rebellion against Yah's ways.

We are running out of time, and we must take our walk with Yahuah seriously. Let's walk worthy of our calling and be on one accord with each other. As believers, it's important to be disciplined in our walk with Yah and not to take His grace for granted. I say this from my own experience, not to judge or condemn anyone. We must remain set apart and strive to move beyond childish ways.

In 1 Corinthians 13:11, Paul speaks of how he put away childish things when he grew up. We too must grow up and let go of the desire to be liked and validated by people. This desire cost Saul the throne and crown. We should love what Yah loves and hate what He hates. As brothers and sisters in Messiah, we should sharpen each other and help each other stay on the straight and narrow path.

We need to study the Word for ourselves and not rely solely on teachers. This will help us gain knowledge and understanding that can only come from the Holy Spirit. We must avoid following leaders who are in rebellion against God's ways.

We are running out of time, and we must take our walk with Yah seriously. Let's walk worthy of our calling and be on one accord with each other. Yah is NOT playing with any of us. We all need to be careful when allowing people to lead us, remembering we are all brothers and sisters, and Yahusha is head of us all. With that being said, I do understand that there are those that Yah had ordained to be teachers and watchmen in these days. My advice to us all is to just be careful and always pray about the people we follow. If the person's lifestyle goes against Torah, then that person is not to revered as a leader, but on the contrary, they should be rebuked by the elders so that they may repent and be in subjection of HaMashiach.

‭Mattithyahu (Matthew)‬ ‭23:1‭-‬17‬ ‭TS2009‬
[1] Then יהושע spoke to the crowds and to His taught ones, [2] saying, “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on the seat of Mosheh. [3] Therefore, whatever they say to you to guard, guard, and do. But do not do according to their works, for they say, and do not do. [4] “For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders, but with their finger they do not wish to move them. [5] And they do all their works to be seen by men, and they make their t’fillen wide and lengthen the tzitzit of