When your heart is right with Ab YaHaWaH/Yahuah you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone. When they call your good evil go before your Father and say, vindicate me oh Yah, as I walk in my integrity. Let every tongue risen against me falsley be stilled because of my unwavering love. Let the person speaking ill of me or making accusations be convicted and repent. If I have dealt wrongly in anyway reveal it to me so I can confess, repent, and bring glory to your name. If in fact I have done no wrong and the acvusations are false, defend me Father!
Cause me to shine so that I may be a light used to help others see their way out if darkness. Cause me to be salty so that when I share your word which is more nutritional than a bakers bread, the receiver will receive the deliciousness of your word and want more. So be it in Yahushua’s name HallalYaHaWaH!
Yadah Yauah!