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A Rendition of the Scriptures

PRAISE the Almighty one of Yahsarel. YaHuaH is his name: Oh, you servants of the Creator, You! The ones that stand in the house of Elohiym, and in courts of our EL. Praise the Almighty One for He is Pleasant: For YaHuaH has chosen YAacub for Himself, and Yahsarel for his Peculiar Treasure. For I know that YaHuaH is great and our Power YaH! Is above all His Creatures.
Whatsoever pleased the Almighty, that He did in the Shamayim. That which He did in the Earth below and in the seas and in all deep places.
He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes it lightnings for the rain, He brings the wind out of His treasures. Ask the nations of this present time. He who smote the first born of Egypt, man and beast. He who sent wonders and His mighty hand in the mist of you oh Egypt. Unto to Pharaoh and all his servants. He Who smote great nations and slew mighty kings.
His name is YaHuaH, take note you heathen and unbelieving. YaHuaH is his name, His name endures forever! YaHuaH is his name oh Yahsarel, your memorial through ALL! Generations. For YaHuaH will judge His people and He will change His mind concerning His people and He will gather them. The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the falsities of men’s hands. They that make them are just like them….False Pretenders. So is everyone that trust in the masquerade of this present time.
Bless the Almighty YaH! oh house of Yahsarel. Bless the Almighty one of YAacub…