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Shabbat Shalom and Boqer Tob Mishpachah (שבת שולם ובוקר תוב משפחה)

Enjoy the song:

‭‭Yehezqĕl (Ezekiel)‬ ‭36:25‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[25] “And I shall sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean – from all your filthiness and from all your idols I cleanse you.

‭‭Hoshĕa (Hosea)‬ ‭6:3‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[3] So let us know, let us pursue to know יהוה. His going forth is as certain as the morning. And He comes to us like the rain, like the latter rain watering the earth.’

‭Luqas (Luke)‬ ‭13:24‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[24] “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, because many, I say to you, shall seek to enter in and shall not be able.

‭‭Timotiyos Aleph (1 Timothy)‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
[10] It is for this that we labour and struggle, because we trust in the living Elohim, who is the Saviour of all men, particularly of those who believe.

Family, let us strive towards our HaMaschiach and let us NOT grow weary. For the things we must do are not grievous but joyful unto Him who created us! HalleluYah and APTTMHY 🙌🏾 ♥️ 🙌🏾