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Shalom family, Happy Sabbath to you all. I have not read all of the California State Reparations Plan in it's entirely, so I will be taking the time this month to read it all before I make a comment "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." (Proverbs 18:13, King James Version). I have read chapters 1 and 2 and find so far that it is being truthful to the facts. However, I will not make a comment or judgement until I have read all 40 chapters. From what I have read, I would not want to make a statement that will be used to divide us. No matter if we are coming from the western hemisphere or the African continent we are all in my opinion owed reparations. Everyone whether taken as a slave or a loved one left in country has been hurt and affected by this. So whether our ancestors were taken as slaves, or our family members left on the coast of Africa who had to endure family members being taken or if you're ancestors were dropped in the islands for fighting with the British, we are all the same in my opinion. Even those that may think they are superior because they got dropped in the islands, understand we are all the same people. So let's not let the system do what it does and find a way to divide us. My understanding of the scriptures is that we will not be redeemed not by this system. But hey what do I know? If you would like to participate in the full reading of the California document we will be doing so on Fridays 70 PM CST and Saturdays 100am CST and 70PM CST for the month of Feb only. I am planning to move 100% to the HebrewConnect.com platform it just takes time, but in the mean time I will always have a presence on my platform https://meetings.glorytoyah.or....g:5443/openmeetings/ which I control. You must register in order to participate. I love the HebrewConnect platform and look forward to building on it. Hebrews for Hebrews it can't be beat. But I am also trying to reach our people that are stuck still in the churches. Anyways if you want to participate you are invited. Remember that YAH loves those that love Him and if you love Him, you will keep His commandments. Shalom and have a blessed Sabbath. Bro Miles