33 w - Translate

In Aramaic, the word for a man, or husband is ISHA. The prefix added to indicate 'IN' is 'B'.

The word meaning 'an evil person' is B'ISHA. This is packed full of potential meaning. So the most accurate translation for 'an evil person' is 'from (or in) the husband'.

1. Eve was deceived, Adam sinned willfully. Therefore the SIN INFECTION CAUSING DEATH comes through the male, the sperm donor.

2. There specifically was NO sperm donor in the conception of Y'SHUAH, therefore there was no sin infection.

3. Y'SHUAH healed the sick to demonstrate time and again that ALL infection is from a single source, AND will be overcome, the last to be put down will be SIN. The other infectious 'diseases' are merely 'gain of function' upon the original infection, causing greater and broader infection and destruction upon our bodies.

4. As He healed, to many He would say 'Your SIN is forgiven, go in peace'. My guess is that this is a very poor translation, hiding the real meaning. SHALOM also means completeness and fulfillment.

5. The study of disease is likely ALL about gain of function and propagation of the work of evil, for all diseases come from one original infection, taken in from a single fruit - it wasn't the fruit that was infected, it was inoculated by the one who handed it to Eve.
