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For the past few weeks, I been disturbed by graven images that are used to resemble the Father and son. It grieves my Ruach and makes me get a feeling. Black or white...Ai or real life...I think its wrong. YAHUAH is Spirit and can't be contained. I understand we want others to know the truth, but YAH is Light at the same time. No man has seen the Father except the Son Himself. The heathens made graven images in 1 Maccabees 3:48. A lot of this stuff comes from Roman and Greek culture...going back to the Renaissance. I remember learning in art class about faceless black paintings. It showed the appearance of someone, but not their facial features. This was for a reason. They didn't want their faces on the painting. Something about the soul—I forgot. If you are familiar with the story, lmk. I honestly forgot. Anyhow, yea let's be mindful of these images. If someone else does it, use discernment..still doesn't justify or make it right. Give YAHUAH all the praise, I AM THAT I AM. You can't capture LIGHT, SPIRIT, PRECENSE, KABOD..on a picture. Its vain, in my opinion. Yah wants to be worshipped for who He is...not by skin color, which is putting Him in a box. The Word speaks for itself and we can understand who the people are. Daniel and Enoch describe the Ancient of Days. That should be enough. Ye are the light of the world, repent, for the kingdom of YAH is at hand. The truth is already being revealed to the world. HalleluYAH.

P.S. praying this didn't offend! I love my people, but we must unlearn the ways of the heathen. Also have to be mindful after changing you name to hebrew. Its given by YAH and His name is in there. So we walk in our name and represent Him at all times. Give Glory to His name, honor your Father. Don't curse, lie, steal, or have pride with 'YAH' in your name. For example, My name means "gift of YAH" so I try to walk in it whenever I'm around spiritual Mispacha. I want to carry good fruit and help when I can.

That is all.

Much love, Shalom- Yahleah 🦋🌱🌊