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Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha. I just found this site and am looking forward to learning a lot. For so long I wanted to know where our ancestors came from before slavery, I never thought it would lead me here. Recently I transferred my raw DNA to https://www.ancientdnaorigins.com where they compare your DNA to Ancient DNA. They compare your DNA to Archeological sites in Israel according to the locations of where the various tribes lived. I was found to have a genetic similarity of 49% to the Tribe of Judah, 35% genetic similarity to the Tribe of Levi, and 19% to the Tribe of Dan. The graphs show my genetic similarity to the Tribe of Judah in Comparison to other ethnic groups of the Middle East's genetic similarity to the Tribe of Judah. I was shocked I got as as the Yemenite Jews who were the highest in the whole database. Its been a journey to process this. I have been studying the scriptures most of my life and didn't know I was reading the history of my ancestors. I pray more of the diaspora will come to know where they come from. Shalom
