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O Yahuah, I have called to Thee, hear me. I have spread out my hands towards Thy holy dwelling-place. Turn Thine ear and grant me my request, and do not withhold my plea from me. Construct my soul and do not cast it away, and do not leave it alone before the wicked. May the true judge turn away from me the rewards of evil. Yahuah, do not judge me according to my sins, for no living man is righteous before Thee. Yahuah, cause me to understand Thy Law and teach me Thy judgements. And the multitude shall hear of Thy deeds, and peoples shall honour Thy glory. Remember me and forget me not, and bring me not to unbearable hardships. Put away from me the sin of my youth, and may my sins not be remembered against me. Yahuah, cleanse me from the evil plague, and let it not return to me. Dry up its roots within me, and permit not its leaves to flourish in me. Yahuah, Thou art glory; therefore my plea is fulfilled before Thee. To whom shall I cry so that he will grant it to me? What more can the po[wer] of the sons of men do? From before Thee, O Yahuah, comes my trust. I cried to Yahuah and He answered me; He healed the brokenness of my heart. I was sleepy [and I] slept; I dreamt and also [I awoke]. [Yahuah, Thou didst support me when my heart was stricken, and I called upon Yahuah [my saviour]. Now I will see their shame; I have relied on Thee, and I will not be ashamed. (Render glory for ever and ever.) Redeem Israel, Thy pious one, O Yahuah, and the house of Jacob, Thine elect.