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I was awakened in the middle the night and these words were in my head like a memory. But I have never heard nor spoken them ever before.

“ In the beginning, there was nothing. No light and no movement.
Only the Most High was hovering over the face of the deep.

So when you think of or look at chaos in any form, know this:

Chaos does not occur nor exist naturally. In all of its manifestations, it was created and has an author/architect.

Chaos comes into existence only one of two ways:

1. It is created intentionally by an author who has a plan to set it back into the same or a new order from the very beginning; or

2. It is created through the incompetence, negligence or willful disobedience of its author. In which case, someone else must step in an set things back into the original or into a new order.

This is the case every time Chaos is observed. If the observer doubts the preceding, it is only because they lack the vantage point or the wisdom by which they can observe and identify the author/architect of the chaos.

The the Most High stirring the deep in the beginning, to an observer, would have looked like chaos. But the Most High knew what the original order of His creation would be because He saw the end-state before He began.

All chaos has a beginning and an ending because chaos did not exist in the beginning and it will not exist in the end. Peace was there at the beginning and it will be the last thing in the end.”

BaHashem YaHaWaH, Shabbat Shalom.