ABBA YAH, we come to You in reverence and in aww, asking you for mercy and forgiveness. ABBA YAH, Todah Rabbah for your unfailing love. We ask that you hide us in your secret place and protect us from the evil doers that are out to harm your chosen people. ABBA YAH, as we seek your Face, humble us into remembrance that we can't do nothing without your mighty hand molding us. For you are the Potter and we are the clay. Mold us into your image and guide us into becoming that peculiar people, your Royal Priesthood that you have called us to be. ABBA YAH, I ask that you give us Shalom during these trying times. Todah Rabbah for your word and the armor that protect us from the enemy on a daily basis. Help us worship you in Spirit and in Truth. Help your people to stand and walk with humbleness, power, strength, boldness, courage, confidence, authority and without fear which is written in your word. Thank You, Todah Rabbah ABBA YAH, Ben Shem Yahshua HaMashiach, In your Holy Name! Halleu YAH! Amein