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Shalom Family!
I just watched the documentary "Finding Kendrick Johnson", I had heard about this case and saw a documentary several years ago. Therefore I wanted to see if there had been any new developments. After viewing the film, I came away with a better understanding of the amount of effort our enemies used in the murder of 1 Hebrew child in 2013. This murder took place during the Obama administration, his Attorney Generals were, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch & Michael Mukasey. Mukasey left the administration in 2009. The entire DOJ wouldn't, solve the murder so an independent film maker named, Jason Pollock stepped in to do so. If you view this documentary, keep in mind the amount of effort that's used in murdering only 1 Hebrew, then think about how much effort goes into getting us to take a Maxine, where they can slaughter millions of Hebrews. I will say what I've said before: "they just love killing us"
Here is a link to a website about Kendrick, not a hot link you have to copy and past it.
The two subjects in this murder are the son's of a former FBI/GBI officer?