Question: What is your soul worth to you?
Please read the following...
Do not be afraid to be honest and upfront about who you are (Hebrew Israelite) during a job interview. It's a risk but they will respect you more for your honesty rather than you springing something on them all of a sudden.
For example: To my achotis and know that we wear head coverings/wraps for more than just fashion. It's imperative to let your employer/future employer know that it's apart of our culture. You would think that since they don't say anything to Muslim or Hindu women that they wouldn't say anything to us but that isn't always true.
Also, we're in the time of high holy days (Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur and Tabernacles) let them know upfront what you already have planned if you have anything planned during this time. I've recently had to do this and trust me being honest and upfront about who you are and who and what you represent will go a long way even if it costs you a job offer. And I understand that we all have bills to pay and need a place to stay but that is also one of the reasons why we are to pray, repent, cry out, and supplicate.
Nothing in this world as it is now is worth kissing Babylonian agenda 'hind-end'. I say that because soon we will all have to make a choice when they try to run folks down to take several shots of poison. Or perhaps, before that, when they close all of the 'storehouses' or grocery stores to the unvaccinated.
What is your soul worth to you?
Duane Harris
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