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Now that we found out that The Book is OUR Book we cannot put it down.
TMH has said to you, O Israel,
“1My son, keep My Words, and lay up My Commandments with thee.
2Keep My Commandments and live; and My Law as the apple of thine eye.
3Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart.”
Psalms 7:1-4
Our open enemy knows the importance of us reading and studying the Word of Yahuah, our Elohim. It was and is so important that he made it the law of the land that no Negro could learn to read on penalty of death in some places.
But now in this final hour as the two NEGRO sticks of the House of Israel and the House of Judah come back together as the whole House of Israel we are rediscovering our love of knowing and understanding the Book. Our Book. The BIBLE. Written by the chosen people of Yahuah, the so called Negro. The Apple of His eye.
Let us return to our heritage. Our culture. Our Book. Our Elohim. And His Laws, Statutes and Commands.