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Truth in Torah! #1
The Angels were also created...

The creation account tends to outline all of creation, EXCEPT the creation of the Heavenly Angels or Ma’laks (מֲלְאָךְ)... or does it?

Upon closer inspection of Genesis 2:1 we read... Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their hosts (or multitude).

The phrase “Host of Heaven” is frequently used in the Scriptures for Angels. This verse seems to imply that the creation of the “Host of Heaven” had been completed well before the end of Day 6.

But when during those six days were they created?

Sirach 16:26-30 says...
When Yahuah Elohim created His ma’ asim (created ones) [the angels] in the beginning, their portions He allotted them.

He established [their] activities for all time, and their dominion for all generations.

So that they neither hunger nor grow weary, and they do not abandon their tasks. They do not interfere with one another, and they never disobey His “Word” [Messiah].

AFTERWARD Yahuah Elohim looked upon the earth, and filled it with his good things.

With the Breath of Life He covered its surface, and into it they must return.

So we can see by this text, the Angels were created early in creation.
