3 yrs - Translate

Shalom Yisrael! I was just thinking to myself, Are we as a nation, mixing the HOLY with unholy by using sites like YouTube, Instagram, Reddit and others? One may say: (but how are we going to get the word out), Which not trusting in YAHUAH, (it's just convenient). Youtube for example, a company that's owned by google. Google is an other company that openly confesses that they go to the edge of the (man's) laws???? (see the prime documentary):
"The Creepy Line" (you don't have to watch it, just look at the title)
Youtube has videos that display any and everything: Youtube is most likely a place for all types of triggers that can - without too much effort, can have (US) seeking deliverance from our past, A-GAIN!!! They pay people to do the following: 1. Lie
2. Cheat
3. Steal
4. Humiliate themselves
5. Expose themselves including children; sexually for $$$!
But I remember reading: don’t cause your daughter, (and son) to become a whore, (or in common terms, an online Skeeza).
Is Yisrael in covenant with Ha-Satan by not coming out from among her online?
Just Saying! Please share your thoughts on this question.