If someone were to ask me how many books I have read in this past year, I can honestly say 66. On December 5th, 2020 I decided to go into my bible app and start the bible reading plan of reading the bible in 1 year. I finished reading the bible on January 12th, 2022. I took a little longer that I was supposed to, but I finished y'all, and it is a bitter sweet moment. Now, I am embarking on a new adventure and I will be reading through the Apocrypha along with Jubilees (Yovheliym) and Jasher (Yashar). I just started yesterday! I read chapters 1 and 2 from Yovheliym and this morning I read 3 and 4, and man, I had a hard time putting it down to get some work done...lol. I am so excited to know and learn more as I continue to read these books for myself. APTTMHY!
Lisa E
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