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Just being pensive family....raw thought so if you have correction for me I'm open. Let me know what you think.

Part 1

I had a good conversation with my brother last night about “Submission”. We were just rappin'. No issues! Just talking about how many of our people are triggered by the word or thought of “Submission”. I reckon that the reaction is most likely from all of the trauma we have faced as a people. This is a deep and complex subject matter; so I digress ....

Now back to the word “submission”. I was explaining to my brother that some people get extremely offended, the word is very off putting.. I find that a lot of offenses are rooted in incorrect definitions. Definitions that have either been defined by the world or our personal fantasies. These incorrect definitions can become a hindrance to our growth and understanding as a nation by perpetuating negative fallacies.

These inaccurate belief systems loopback ties to a world without Torah. Our incorrect understanding stems from the babylonian system we were brought up in. A system that has perpetuated confusion through its unsound instruction, advice and examples. This warped understanding usually results in tension when trying to discuss and share with a brother or sister.

However, I want to share the importance of understanding the meaning of “Submission”. We have to let Yahuah define His own terms and trust it. Learning how to have a Hebraic understanding will allow us to experience the sword Yahusha brings. As the word made flesh, Yahusha can properly cut you off from the wickedly tailored perception and inherited lie of submission. This understanding equates to a changed perspective which equals a changed trajectory.

Read part 2 and part 3