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Where does this wonderful & edifying prayer come from?

My Elohiym, El Elyon, you alone are my Elohiym, and you and your dominion have I chosen. And you have created all things, and all things that are the work of your hands. Deliver me from the hands of evil ruachoth who have dominion over the thoughts of men's hearts, and let them not lead me astray from you, my Elohiym. And establish me and my seed forever that we go not astray from henceforth and forevermore. And he said, Shall I return unto Ur of the Kasdiym who seek my face that I may return to them, am I to remain here in this place? The right path before you prosper it in the hands of your servant that he may fulfil it and that I may not walk in the deceitfulness of my heart, O Elohai. And he made an end of speaking and praying.....

Avram: Jubilees 12:16-29
Avram: Gen 13:1-18
Pastor @ Greater Ebenezer New Revival Tree of Life Institutional Double Rock on the Side of the Road to Jericho Missionary Baptist Church of Zion!
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