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2 yrs - Translate

Oh what a testimonial that was! 1yr ago, TMH prepared me for what I was about to hear.
He led me to fast and pray, and he kept me at peace.
When naysayers asked me "how will you manage? What will you do"?
I told them with authority ib my voice that I will be fine!
I will not go hungry and my family will not be homeless!
Praise YAH for providing our daily needs!

Yes we are at a huge deficit since I lost my job, but I have come to appreciate that the comforts of life are not important!
They are just 'things'.... I think about our ancestors and how they dwelt in tents, and I look at us today, we are blessed! We have shelter, we are clothed, we have our health!

You know what else? Even if I don't feel well I am still saying 'I am Healed, I am NOT SICK'!

I hope someone is encouraged today, and for those who feel down in despair, call out your blessings, sing praises aloud and you will feel the peace of YAH!
Last week as I battled the flu, I had horrid headaches and body pains and I got up and I sang praises to YAH.
I told my son, Josh, yes we are in pain but we have life so lets praise him!!!!

3 yrs

All Praises and All honour to our CREATOR! YAHUAH!!!!
I wish I could shout this from the mountain top! He has been so good to me and my family!
Mishpacha, no matter what the obstacle, no matter what the heartache PRAISE YAH for he is worthy to be praised! He is perfect and righteous in all his ways!
The enemy wants to keep us down, to keep us in despair, to diminish the great power that YAH has given us!
He has not given us a spirit of fear! He has given us the power to trample on serpents!

Folks, I am knocked down, but not knocked out!
When those folks said to me on Tuesday that I have been 'separated from the company' I kept my shalom, I kept my joy!
Do you know what I said to myself? "Self, you now have more time to study Torah! You have more time to spend with your young children!
You have more time for gardening and food preparation, you have more time to be of service to others!"

I started thinking more about how I can be used to reach others, I prayed and asked TMH to direct my path.
I said 'YAH if you want me here, put me here, if you want me there, open the door'! Wherever he leads me, I will be a light and a blessing to others!
Praise YAH!!