Democratizing the Friends and Family Round Grant (2023)

Project Entrepreneur, a program by UBS, aims to level the playing field for female and minority-owned businesses. UBS offers $25,000 in grants and mentorship to 20 female founders of color in NYC who are leading venture-scalable companies.

To be eligible:
1- applicants must be U.S. residents
2- leading for-profit companies with at least one woman-identifying founder of color,
3-based in NYC
4-Have a venture-scalable or venture-viable product or idea;
5-Have a demonstrated need for funds; AND
6-Must be willing to participate in a coaching program as well as attend an in-person accelerator at UBS’s NYC headquarters
7-Applications are open now through March 3, 2023 at 60PM ET.

Reminder, your business must be based in NYC. CPR is available to assist you with the application. Please send your interest to

Sis CeeCee