This may be a bit of a mouthful but something was weighing on me so jere ot goes; If you hear me start to say something in a video that may offend before you before you unfollow or unsubscribe hear the entire conversation, you may receive edification or at least see that I am not attacking you. I have elders and teachers that have authority on various platforms. I respect their positions wholeheartedly They can teach and counsel me and Yahuah sees fit but the Ruach Ha'Qodesh is my leader in the way. I rememner being in the Church and whatever pastor said was law. If they said not to read a book we didnt read it. We didn't go to Yah or God as we said at the time, Pastor was revered like a master. In this walk I will respect my elders authority because they were put in that place by the will of Yah. With that being said when Yah tells me through the Ruach to do something I have to do it. We can reason or agree to disagree, but losing a bond or relationship with a brother or sister over difference of understanding is tragic in my opinion. One thing I am beginning to learning is this; the people that are with you today may not be the people who are with you tomorrow. As long as you are striving to be with Yahuah and Yahusha the right people will come and the ones who don't belong will have to go. Time to.stop looking to see who is behind you and keep your eyes on Yah who is above you.
Learning from those with the gift of teaching is important, especially now that Aloah is bringing us back to truth. Seeking Yah for yourself is most crucial though. When Moshe, Samuel and the other prophets led the people they were the only ones permitted to be in the presence of Yah and communicate back to the people what Yah spoke concerning them.This was before Yahusha was risen and the promise came and clothed the disciples with power. This power is the Holy Spirit and it will lead and guard your heart and mind. It is wise to seek wise counsel, but human counsel is not more valuable than the instruction one receives from the Holy Spirit. I do believe There are men and women commissioned to lead people to the Father through sound teaching of the word, but the leader of us all as a nation is Yahusha. All glory honor and esteem to Yahuah and to His right arm.