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Knowing who you are is paramount to seeing the big picture. It gives a greater hope in this life as it relates to my WHY. However, our fore-parents were closer to the culture, knew the house of their fathers down to the tribe, and spoke the set-apart language. Even still battled with faithlessness doubt and the rest. It's a blessing to have our family records in the scriptures to hear their heart speak and see how they dealt with challenges in this life. Unbelief has plagued our people since the garden and Yahuah is faithful even when we fall short, patient when we are slow to act, and quick to get us on the right path. HalleluYAH, Peace & Blessings Family

John 20:29 - Yahoshua said unto him, “Thomas because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.”