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We gotta keep reading the prophets over and over. Its clear that some dont and they act on things before YAH is able to deliver. We have to be careful fam. I see some leaving the land and seeking peace. Where is that in scripture? Leave babylon ? But why was Ezekiel placed by the hand of YAH in captivity. He was prophesying and had to obey. If all of us left, then who would speak to the people? It says in Ezekiel beware of the female prophets, some are speaking lies (ezekiel 13:17). Then YAH tells Ezekiel how the people will go back in the land AND remove abominations that are there. (Ezekiel 11:18). So yeah i been reading/ meditating on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and now on Ezekiel. The books are so rich and never get old. So much to find, and YAH is speaking in His Word. He warns, commands, encourages, explains why, gives parables, and speaks of righteous judgment.
I definitely recommend reading out of septuagint, you will catch so much stuff. Really something to chew on ๐ŸŒณ๐Ÿ“–๐Ÿ’›