4 yrs - Translate

The funniest thing just happened to me on a phone interview for a job. I have to say that this might even make you laugh a little bit.

I have been so concerned and extremely careful about having any caveats to accepting any job positions in this current world and times we're in. I've been so careful as to not even apply for anything at all and just do freelance work where I can get it.

So this person, who happens to be 'Jewish', was screening me for this IT position in Charlotte, NC. After going down my list of skills and experience and learning the location of the position, I asked if they would have issue with my high holy days off. This person goes in and says, "Oh they won't have a problem with it as long as you tell them before hand. Are you 'Jewish'? You don't sound 'Jewish'".

Please note that this conversation got a tiny bit 'sketchy' I would say.

So I tell her, "No, I'm a Hebrew Israelite. And I think we go by a different calendar than 'Jewish' people. Our calendar is the new moon calendar." Then she says, "Oh yeah, our calendar is different then but you will be fine as long as you give them the dates beforehand. They can't fire you or not hire because of religion or cultural differences."

And so I thought that would be it but she wanted to know why we go by a different calendar. I told her that we go by The Torah. And she said, "Oh okay. We go by The Talmud and have been doing so since the 'BEGINNING OF TIME'. You must be what they call a 'Messianic Hebrew'. We don't believe or go by that belief." 🤣🤣🤣🤐

Please know that I almost fell out of my seat dying laughing. I had to change the subject extremely quickly to something else to keep from telling her that she was wrong. And her 'religion/culture' is fake and was made up in (and I know I'm off with numbers of time) 17th or 18th century. There is no such thing as a 'Talmud' in The Bible (1611 KJVA nor The Cepher Bible nor The Scriptures Bible nor The Torah Bible -although in The Torah it references what some things mean in their Talmud). I know, I know...Talmud is their oral tradition(or made up stories).

I just thought it was kind of funny that this happened to me this morning. I know I was being tested and I didn't lose my cool once. Maybe the lesson of this story is...'when you have the truth on your side, there is no need to argue nor cry'. Everyone will learn the truth soon enough. Shalom.👩🏾‍🦱