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Shalawam family
It's another Mindful Monday. Let's be mindful of where we get our information. Don't allow itching ears to misdirect your steps. Please look out for the following when supping. Your criteria should include:
1-It's Torah (law) and Besorah (gospel),
2-It's the Law and the testimony of Yahusha Mashiach,
3-It's keeping the Holy Feast Days (Leve 23),
4- Repent, baptized (fully submerged in the water), and keep Torah),
5-Knows Yahusha is not Michael the Archangel,
6-Knows the God head-Elohiym, God the Father, and God the Son. They are not the same
7-understanding there is no more animal sacrifice (Yahusha came once for eternal redemption)
8-not adding or taking away scripture.

Can you think of any other false doctrine that is wrapped up with this awakening?


Sis CeeCee