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O Israel take heed. Yah is coming to gather Israel's remnant seed

Yah's plan for Judah and Israel together again will succeed

Yah said his people perish for lack of knowledge and wisdom

Yah please continue to grow your

Continue Yah to shine your light upon our Moreh Duane to increase knowledge

As he gathers Israel together your spirit pours out upon Israel like a spiritual awakening college

We are chosen to be set apart
Yah please hear Israel's cries from the heart as we patiently wait for the 2nd exodus ships to depart

Thank you Yah for your only begotten son Yahusha who came
As your chosen we give praise and glory to your name

It's because of your covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that Israel was maintained and it's for your name sake Israel substained

Please protect Jacob's seed as Israel continues to awake
We know Abba Yah you keep all the covenants you make

Help Israel to keep seeking your face and keep us in your secret Holy place

Yah we thank you for your love, mercy, and grace

By Erin Pardo