Nettles, Nettles, and More Nettles!!!

Shalom Mishpakha, be aware, that in this society we live in alot of plants referred to as "Weeds" are actually Herbs used for Food and Medicine!

Gen 1:29 And Aluah said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

These pictures are three types of Nettles that are very common in most areas, very Powerful Medicine, that is often over looked and thrown away. The First two Pics are Purple Nettle that has been harvested and dried from my back yard. The Second picture is a young Green Stinging Nettle Seedling, and Finally the Pinkish Colored Flowers are Red Nettles, Learn about the Flora or plants that grow in your area, and if you see any Nettles Grab it!! research how to clean and dry it, then prosper and be in tob health even as your soul prospers!! Shalom
