Sabbat Shalom Mispacha. I feel that Yahuawah wanted me to share this with you today. This comes from my time with him. I pray that Abba Yah grant Shalom over Yisrael this Yom. Here is the word spoken to me this week.

When I come for my remnant to bring you out don't look back to Egypt. Walk forward and don't turn back like Lot's wife. You must be willing to leave at my return . Leave father, mother, children, friends, and things of this world. For I am returning only for my lost sheep Israel. Repent . Leave father, mother, children, friends, and things of this world. For I am returning only for my loss sheep Israel. Repent! Matt 24:17-18
As the heat cometh in the summer and the cool breeze settles in the Spring, so shall my spirit rest upon you. The way you seek after me is the way I will pour out my spirit for what is already measured. I will pour it out. You must not worry or focus on the world but keep your eyes focused on me and remember my promises. My word is true, pure and set apart and only I can give it. Wait on me, I will Move upon those at my time. My time has not yet come but wait I say on me. For when I move, you must be ready. I will not tarry on you. Be ready, I am coming soon. Like a horse ride in on a troop, I will ride in on my Spirit saith Yahuawah. It will be swift. The rider cometh says the Most High! John 16:12-15
My heart has been broken many times, many times by my people. It is time for healing. There is balm. I will heal and mend all of my own wounds. I will make straight the crooked things. I will do this period. No other will be able to do what I do. For who is like the Master? Who else is the Father? No one! No man, power, spirit or principality. I Am who I Am alone. I sit high above the heavens but I will come down off my throne to judge my people and the wicked. The wicked will not go unpunished for the horror stay cause to my people. The Apple of my eyes. I will bring both Judah and Israel back to their rightful places just as my prophets of old has proclaimed since the beginning . I have spoken it, so shall it be. Yahuwah. Psalm 102:19-22, Psalm 102:28, Psalm 103:11-22.
Shalom Mispacha! He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says!